Four Key Tips on Saving Money in 2019
Improving one's personal finances is a noble and worthy goal - New Year, new you, right?
Having easy and implementable changes one can make to one's routine, however - that's a bit harder. In this article, I'm going to discuss four tips which can save you time and money in 2019, to make that resolution just a little bit easier to follow through on.
1: Keep credit card balances at or near zero, and choose cards with the best rewards that are redeemable monthly, and for cash. Studies show that in many cases, transferring your points to cash as soon as possible is the best way to monetize credit cards (for those who use them properly).
2: Make tax-deductible contributions to your retirement savings plan or a child's RESP, instead of giving gifts or consumer goods that will end up in the trash after a few uses. Make the most of your gift giving in 2019. Read More...
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Article was originally published on: January 22, 2019